Thursday 13 March 2014

Women, fish and bicycles

A woman may sometimes feel that she needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

However, in the developed world women as a whole need men like fish need water.

Just look around at who farms the food, who builds the houses, who mends the roads, who repairs the plumbing etc. In a whole day’s active investigation you’ll be pushed to spot one woman doing anything like that around here, for example. I know, I’ve tried.

If every man in the developed world went on strike we’d all be dead within what… a month, tops? If women went on strike then life would be harder after a month, but few would have died as a result. It would take thirty years or more before society was effectively wiped out. Extend that to never, once men develop artificial human reproduction. Which they will.

Then we can start talking about gender equality if we want to.

But not until then.

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