Saturday 27 December 2014

Women like this exist

Seriously. They exist. Many more than you think. And they sometimes club together. Realise this before you go jailing men who suffer from their behaviour.

Yes, I know NAWALT and that some men are batshit crazy too, but neither of those is the point of this post. Try not to get so easily confused.

Friday 26 December 2014

Friday 19 December 2014

Check your privilege

28 Days Later.

The plot (spoiler): An unbelievably fast acting virus is accidentally released turning virtually everyone in Britain into fearsome raging zombie automatons.

The primary concern of our hero survivor is to protect the innocence of the two girls he's with from the small band of uninfected but deeply disconsolate soldiers who rescued the threesome.

It doesn't matter how many others suffer or die as he pursues this quest. A pretty girl's tears trump absolutely everything else. Everything. The film never questions this.

Check your privilege.

Ladies first

Along with most of my demographic, I've lived under this sexism all my life.

The opposite of the way feminism wants to portray it.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

The search for progress

An excellent paragraph from

"...the egalitarian mania of the twentieth century, striving to find some sense of community with which to replace what went missing as the West abandoned Christianity, has impoverished psychology by its insistence on [the] denial of psychological realities and key human differences. As intellectuals have known since Adam Smith, advanced civilization requires division of labour. Thus we need basic human differences in drives and abilities. A proper search for ‘community’ must accept differences and use them — not deny them or, more generally, the role of biology in personality and society."

Not just 'a proper search for community', either, but 'a proper search for progress'.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Why equality doesn't work...

An interesting article in The Spearhead.

A comment from Vektor hits the nail on the head:
"There is no 'war' between men and women, because men [as a group] won’t fight against women. Feminism is at war with men and men won’t defend themselves. The average female may not identify as a Feminist, but she is clearly out for her own interests and will lobby and vote to advance them, even if they directly harm or take away rights from men. Women see themselves as a political group. Men do not. Men are raised to be disposable, ashamed to admit weakness, and conditioned to take care of everybody else first."

Thursday 13 March 2014

Women, fish and bicycles

A woman may sometimes feel that she needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

However, in the developed world women as a whole need men like fish need water.

Just look around at who farms the food, who builds the houses, who mends the roads, who repairs the plumbing etc. In a whole day’s active investigation you’ll be pushed to spot one woman doing anything like that around here, for example. I know, I’ve tried.

If every man in the developed world went on strike we’d all be dead within what… a month, tops? If women went on strike then life would be harder after a month, but few would have died as a result. It would take thirty years or more before society was effectively wiped out. Extend that to never, once men develop artificial human reproduction. Which they will.

Then we can start talking about gender equality if we want to.

But not until then.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

A healthy society?

Many of the NHS health professionals I consult appear to be very unhealthy, often seriously overweight.

The health industry preaches against this unceasingly.

Are they too blind to notice that this doesn't even work on their own adherents?

Sunday 9 March 2014

"The women dominate Jerusalem"

Just in case you still believe the feminist myth that women only found a voice in the twentieth century:

Dark age woman who ruled the papacy

Monday 3 March 2014

It takes a village...


...why would the kibbutz system have been adopted so universally?

Thursday 20 February 2014

No excuse for evil

I don't disagree with the point made here: about 21st Century western media excusing women from moral responsibility and so infantilising them.

I do take issue, though, with whether women in a successful society are really capable of being evil.

Evil is slippery, but maybe best defined as behaviour that threatens a society from growing successfully, given the conditions of the time. Since continued societal success depends on reproduction and reproduction depends on the scarce resources possessed (to date) by women, is it so surprising that women can do virtually no evil?

Think of it this way: suppose one society imprisons it's women in single sex prisons at the same rate as it imprisons its men. Its neighbouring society's courts imprison their women hardly at all. Which society grows fastest?

Of course, this argument prohibits gender equality unless and until reproductive resources are available to all. But, then, that is no great surprise either.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Floods, inflation and the media

Standing on your doorstep you anxiously look down past the Environment Agency official's Wellington boots at the flood waters, now just millimetres from your hallway.

"Don't panic" says the official, fresh from listening to the BBC's recent inflation report "the rate at which the water level is increasing has gone down, so there's nothing to worry about!"

Monday 17 February 2014

21st Century Equality

Proof that man and woman, husband and wife, are completely equal in 2014. In the same weather disaster surrounding their mother's little cottage/castle they do exactly the same things. And here's the proof:

Saturday 15 February 2014


I used to think that maybe I lacked ambition. I've come to realise that isn't true. It's just that my ambition is different: to be free from having to do something someone else wants me to do.

Maybe that is one of the greatest ambitions?